Pure Pretty: Song Joong Ki

In the last little while, something rather interesting happened.

Basically, in all the various ways that you guys could get in touch with me, y’all were reaching out, and asking for the Exact Same Thing.

Over Facebook, Instagram, and even over email, I received a number of hopeful, enthusiastic, rather ardent requests for Song Joong Ki to get some lovin’ on this site. Talk about being adorably united, you guys. 😉

Being the compassionate and helpful fangirl that I am (heh), I promptly dived into some appropriately.. intent (and rather glorious) research. My own growing fascination with Song Joong Ki didn’t hurt, of course.

And now, by popular request, I hereby present to you the loving Pure Pretty spotlight on Song Joong Ki. I hope you guys find it worth the wait. 🙂

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Pure Pretty: Choi Si Won

If you read my recent review of She Was Pretty, and particularly if you’ve known me for a while, you’d probably have guessed that this Pure Pretty spotlight on Si Won was soon in the coming.

I mean, not only did he deliver the role with an impressive amount of nuance that felt raw and heartfelt, he made it all look so effortless.

From the hammy & funny, to the glimpses of sorrow & poignance, he made it all feel natural, like it was a genuine extension of himself. He was the character, all the way through. And I was, quite literally, blown away.

On top of all of that acting awesome, he looked fantastic. Just, how could I not give him a piece of my heart? <3

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Pure Pretty: Ji Soo

Like everyone else before me, I first set eyes on Ji Soo when watching Angry Mom. And, like everyone else too, as I observed him on my screen, I soon sat up, opened my eyes wide, and started paying serious attention.

Many times, high school dramas trot out rookies and other relative unknowns to fill their young ensemble casts, and more often than not, the acting talent falls somewhere in the realm of raw, stiff and earnest.

Sure, the rookies tend to be fresh-faced and cute, but they mostly need a lot more experience and practice in the acting department before they’d actually be able to bring a character to life.

Not so Ji Soo. So far from it. Coz not only can Ji Soo act, he’s already shaping up to be the full-package Real Deal.

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Pure Pretty: Ji Chang Wook

I am officially on the Ji Chang Wook train, you guys. Finally.

How could I have possibly missed the train before, you ask? Well, I just happened to not feel very interested in checking out any – seriously, any – of his earlier works.

Most of his projects have fallen into either the very melo category, or the very long category, and I’m generally a very picky viewer when it comes to both of those categories. I’m careful where I invest my time – and my tears, heh.

So how I did finally find my way to the train? Why, Healer, of course (Healer-ya~!). I’m 8 episodes in as I type this, and liking it a whole lot.

[EDIT: I finished the show, loved it, watched it again, and now, the review is done! You can find it here.]

As I’ve watched the show, my eyes have also gradually and very firmly achieved the Ji Chang Wook Appreciating Upgrade, and I finally understand what the fuss is about. Swoon.

All I can say is, I’m sorry I’m late to the (spazz) party!

Now, what better way to make up for lost time and celebrate my new-found appreciation of the Ji Chang Wook awesome, than a robust shot of Pure Pretty, right? 😉

Swooooon~ Wouldja look at those eyes??

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Esteeming: Hyun Bin

If you’ve been following our blogoversary giveaway, you’d know that this is (supposed to be) the made-to-order Pure Pretty post that Djining won as her prize.

Which means that we have Djining to thank for this opportunity to gaze at and appreciate the one and only Hyun Bin, while I have Djining and Google to thank, for the many hours of (admittedly very enjoyable) research that went into this post!

The thing is, as I was working on this post, it kinda ballooned into a k-love post (oopsie?), and I had to upgrade the entire thing in the process of making it.

Congratulations Djining!! I hope you don’t mind the upgrade, and I hope this post lives up to your expectations.

I made sure to be as thorough and meticulous as possible in making this post for ya; only the best pix, and also, wherever possible, in large wallpaper-worthy sizes as well. All for your (& our!) viewing pleasure, my dear. 😉

Alright then. Are you ready to dive in? Coz man have I got a LOT of Hyun Bin eye candy for ya!

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Happy New Year! Giveaway Winners! ..And Other Stuff

Oopsie. Do our fingers not read “2 0 1 5”??

kfangurl: Happy brand new 2015, everyone!! Wow, can you believe it’s already officially 2015?

Lady G: It feels a bit weird, but it’s really not. I hope this year is better for every one. 🙂

But now I must ask – Where’s my Hoverboard? I’ve been waiting for it since 1989! My self-drying jacket and automatic-lacing Nikes? Flying cars? I know… Back to the Future II lied to us!

kfangurl: It totally did! I mean, never mind the Hoverboard, I’d love a time-traveling car – y’know, to watch more drama with. And also, maybe stalk Woob’s fanmeets and other appearances, heh. Yes, I have a total one-track mind. Priorities, y’know? 😉

Lady G: I never even would’ve thought of using time travel to fuel our kdrama obesssions. I love the way you think! We’ll take those trips together. Who knows? We may change the future and wind up married to our biases. hehehe! Or would that be way too much of a butterfly effect?

kfangurl: Butterfly-schmutterfly. Whatever it takes to get hitched to the Woob, I say!

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We are TWO!

kfangurl: Can you believe the blog’s actually been around for 2 whole years now? It used to be such teeny tiny lil baby, and now look how well it’s growing up, heh.

I’ve heard of the Terrible Twos where toddlers are concerned.. I wonder if we’re now entering the Terrible Twos, for the blog. Like, will we get more tantrumy & stampy!

Lady G:  That could happen! But I believe The Fangirl Verdict is maturing. And, I consider her a girl. She’s lively, and extremely curious about her wonderful Kdrama surroundings.

She loves to gush over handsome K-drama men. She’s creative and enjoys writing her own dream dramas, and she’s wise. She genuinely wants to help fans answer their Kdrama problems with her own feature – Dear Kfangurl.

kfangurl:  ‪Y’know, I’ve never thought about that. But you’re right, blog baby’s a girl. How could she NOT be a girl, she spazzes so much over k-boys.

Lady G:  ‪She’s such a little yoja!

kfangurl:  ‪Well, I think so, but I am also completely biased!

Lady G:  ‪And that’s a #1 rule at The Fangirl Verdict, we can be totally biased… WITHOUT stepping on anyone else’s biases.

kfangurl: Or at least, we try.

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Pure Pretty: Eric

Blame my previous indifference to Eric on the facts that:

(a) I’m technically still a complete kpop noob and know next to nothing about Shinhwa, the legendary group of which Eric is leader and rapper; and

(b) I’d never seen him in anything of significance, since I’d bailed early on Myung Wol The Spy (2011), and hadn’t been terribly impressed by his outing as second lead in Phoenix (2004). Fine.

That last bit was also coz I’d been so completely distracted by Lee Seo Jin at the time, who was basically the only reason I even decided to watch that show, heh.

Now, blame my current state of spazz-puddle on Eric’s wonderful performance in Discovery of Love (2014). I mean, just, where had this manly man, oh-so-sexy version of Eric been hiding, all this while??

I likey. I likey very much.

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Pure Pretty: Kim Kang Woo

So recently, I’ve been watching Haeundae Lovers (2012). While the drama itself is a mixed bag with some gaping flaws, I have to give credit where it’s due. This show has reminded me all over again, just how pretty Kim Kang Woo is.

Before, I’d seen Kim Kang Woo in 2009’s Story of a Man (aka The Slingshot), a show which I didn’t end up loving, unlike everyone else. Back then, I’d noted the Kim Kang Woo pretty, but didn’t think to seek him out afterwards and he quietly slipped off my radar.

Fast forward to 2014, when I decided on a whim to check out Haeundae Lovers. When Kim Kang Woo sauntered onto my screen, I hafta admit, one of my first thoughts was, “Oooh.. Prettyyy~”

And that just inspired me to, er, extend the appreciation with this post. 😉

Come gaze with me, y’all.

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Dear kfangurl: Is shipping kdrama co-stars normal?

You know, one of the things that I really enjoy about this blog, is how you guys inspire new types of posts, often when I least expect it. With your suggestions, this blog has taken on more breadth than I ever intended, and I think that’s cool.

First, it was the Dream Dramas post inspired by Lady G, and then it was the Pure Pretty series inspired by asotss.

Today, I’m kicking off yet another type of post on the blog, and it’s the Dear kfangurl.. post? Series? I don’t really know yet whether this will turn into an actual series, since that really depends on whether people have questions that they’d like to ask.

Basically, it’s sorta like an agony aunt sort of thing, except it’s more specific to dramas and fangirling (it’s my screen-name, isn’t it? It makes me seem like a fangirling expert, eh?).

I do have a nephew, so I’m technically an aunt, but I prefer to think of this as an agony unni column instead of an agony aunt one, heh.

I may not have all the answers that you’re looking for, but I can promise a listening ear and sharing of my thoughts and experiences, much like how a friend might listen and chat with you over tea.

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