Flash Review: Wonderful Nightmare [Movie]

Words that spring to my mind as the credits roll for this movie: uplifting, bittersweet, poignant, and even a little funny.

This is, again, one of those movies that I wouldn’t have watched, but for the in-flight entertainment system. Not that there weren’t other solid movies available in-flight. I actually started on Sado, but bailed hastily when Show got very dark, heavy and bloody very quickly.

[MINOR SPOILER] I just couldn’t watch the violent head-banging. So Much Blood. Owww. [END SPOILER]

Maybe another time, when I feel like I’m made of steelier stuff, I’ll give it another go.

For now, though, I’m actually rather pleased with myself for wimping out of Sado (thank you, Wimpy Me), coz I would’ve been rather sorry to have missed this little heart-warmer.

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Flash Review: High Society

Let’s put it this way. High Society is pretty much The Drama Who Cried Wolf. Except instead of Wolf, Show was crying stuff like, “I’m interesting! And dramatic! My leads have sparky chemistry! And! I bring hawt kisses!”

Insistently and repeatedly, Show sang its siren song. BUT. Consistently and repeatedly, episode after episode, despite managing to coast by on the faint promise of things to come, ultimately, Show failed to deliver.

Can someone point me to the Time Refund counter in dramaland, please? Coz I’d really like to have my 16 hours back.

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Pure Pretty: Song Seung Hun

While I started this blog mainly to write reviews, every so often, I get inspired to try something new. A fair amount of the time, it’s conversations on the blog itself that serve as the impetus. And that is totally the case today.

Not long ago, I posted my Master’s Sun review, and wrote this throwaway line about consuming the drama together with the fanfic:

“When the drama’s consumed together with the fanfic, though, they go together like strawberries and cream, or peanut butter and jelly, or Kim Woo Bin and Lee Jong Suk, or Song Seung Hun and abs, or.. (you get the idea).

You could have one without the other, but having them together just takes everything to a whole new level. Amiright?”

And then today, I woke up to this comment from blog regular Asotss:

“You are soooooooo right ! Ah Song Seung Hun… Too bad his talent doesn’t measure up [to] his bodyliciousness. Could we still hope for a KLove Confession post, just for the photoshoots that only you can dig up ?”

That’s when inspiration struck.

Besides Asotss, a couple of other readers and blogging friends have also commented appreciatively on my Googling skills. I guess Google and I get along particularly well; Google’s shown me more than a few particularly lovely photos of my k-loves, after all.

Still, because Song Seung Hun doesn’t quite fall into k-love territory for me, I’m creating a whole new series.

Introducing… Pure Pretty! Y’know. Where it’s all about The Pretty. 😉

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