Flash Review: Designated Survivor: 60 Days

Every once in a while, we all could use a show that reminds us that sometimes it really is worth stepping out of our comfort zones, I think. This season, Designated Survivor: 60 Days is that show, for me.

Personally, I don’t have a strong interest in politics, and therefore, I’ve always thought that political shows wouldn’t be my thing, which is why I didn’t think to check out this show, when it first aired earlier this year.

But, because I recently really enjoyed Son Seok Koo in Be Melodramatic, and also because I do have a soft spot for Ji Jin Hee, I decided to try this one, just to see, and – I’m kinda shocked, actually, by how much I liked it. Talk about a drama tilting your world, eh?


Show is accessible, emotionally engaging and well-paced

Given that political stories are the kind of things that I never imagined myself getting into, I was pleasantly surprised at how nicely intrigued episode 1 left me, and then happily shocked at how much I liked this show, by episode 2.

In fact, this quickly rose to the top of the batch of dramas I was watching at the time; this was the show that I most looked forward to another episode of. Woah, right?

The main threads

On the one hand, there’s the on-going investigation that tries to uncover the truth behind the bombing, which Show mostly manages with a tight hand.

Our agents learn new information steadily, but it’s always in fragments, and the mystery behind what it all means, is one hook of this tale.

At the same time, there’s the whole question of how our shocked, blindsided new Acting President is going to survive this, and make his own mark on the world.

It’s immediately apparent that Park Moo Jin (Ji Hin Hee) is not politically savvy; he’s genuinely interested in making the world a better place for the people who live in it; he sincerely wants to do the honest and right thing.

We also see that oftentimes, the people around him do not agree with his way of doing things.

Based on that alone, I felt that it would be interesting to see what kind of President he becomes, now that the role is thrust upon him.

The accessibility

I do have to credit Show with making all the politics and accompanying politicking accessible to even a political noob like me.

In some ways, this story gave me a few sageuk vibes.


The different parties fighting for political power; the idea of soldiers dying in vain for a country that doesn’t know or care, and the possible revenge thread that comes out of that; ruthless measures being taken to silence people; people getting killed before they are able to give any information; people getting threatened into making false confessions of murder.

It all smells somewhat like a sageuk.


And since I’ve had a fair amount of experience with sageuks, this helped me feel like I was kinda-sorta on familiar ground.

It’s compelling

I have to give it to Show, generally speaking, this story feels strong and well-paced. Our narrative gets time to ebb and flow, and we do get time to breathe in between more exciting portions of the plot, and Show knows how to keep my attention, through it all.


In episode 3, the daunting task before Moo Jin becoming more faceted and full of hidden consequences than he’d anticipated; the sometimes surprising opposition he faces for wanting to do the thing that his conscience tells him is right.

The overwhelming amount of disparate information being thrown at him from all sides; the shifting realization that underneath all the political talk about policy, are real people with real fears.


It all comes together to be compelling and engaging, and even rather educational, all at once.

As a bonus, I thought the music for this show was well-selected and applied. It’s dramatic and orchestral, and adds a nice flavor of dramatic tension to scenes. I liked that.

It’s emotionally engaging

The biggest thing for me, is that Show makes this watch an emotional experience, rather than a purely cerebral one.

Show invests a good amount of its breathing time in building the more emotional sides of its story, which I feel serves the narrative well, because this helps to round out our characters, and makes me care more, when the action and danger amps up again.

I even teared up a couple of times during my watch, which I’d never expected, coming into this watch.

Show knows how to weave a well-paced, tight story, and make it not only interesting, but stirring as well, and that, altogether, just sucked me in.

Ji Jin Hee as Park Moo Jin

To me, Park Moo Jin’s journey as Acting President forms the cornerstone of this story; I was most invested in his story, and how he would stay true to himself and his values, in the face of a multitude of problems and obstacles, that placed him smack between a rock and hard place.

If Moo Jin’s experience as Acting President was a rollercoaster, following him on that journey and witnessing his growth and increasing confidence was a similar rollercoaster of a journey, and I loved it.

I truly enjoyed Ji Jin Hee’s delivery of Moo Jin, from his geeky scientist moments, all the way to how he grows into the presidential shoes that have been thrust on him, and every shade of emotion in between.

My heart couldn’t help but go out to Moo Jin, as he struggled to figure out how to do the right thing, and every time he did well, my heart surged with how gratifying it was.

Here’s a (very) sprawling look at a good number of key Moo Jin moments.


E2. I kind of guessed that Moo Jin would be proven right and that the submarine had sunk and all would be ok, but I was glued to my screen and on the edge of my seat anyway.

The aggressive military men were annoying, but I could appreciate just how much mental noise Moo Jin was dealing with, within his first few hours as Acting President.

To have such high stakes is bad enough, but to face those high stakes while everyone is barking at you and at one another, is just so much worse. And to have everyone around you doubting you, even worse.

So when Moo Jin survives it, and is proven right, victorious in his humaneness, my heart surged for him, and I felt it so much, when he couldn’t even stop his legs from shaking, in the aftermath.

He’s been through so much, and I’m so happy that his geekiness and smarts stood him in good stead when everyone else was using all their time and energy arguing about how best to bomb North Korea. I’m rooting for Moo Jin so hard and so earnestly now.

And I expect that he will continue to win supporters over to his side, just as he’s won me over, over the course of just 2 episodes.

E3. Moo Jin is doing his best not to be a puppet president; working to speak from the heart rather than blindly reading off prepared speeches, spending time studying the Constitution rather than be pulled in a million different directions by people with different agendas.

He’s not always successful, but he’s valiantly keeping on, even when there are missteps, and I have to admire how focused he is, on revoking the discriminatory act against the North Korean defectors, even to the point of accepting Chief Secretary Han’s (Heo Joon Ho) dare, to fire him, if he wishes to proceed.

I’m not the only one moved by Moo Jin’s actions, as we see from Kim Nam Wook’s (Lee Moo Saeng) briefing to the press. He literally has to blink back tears, as he speaks of Moo Jin’s passing of the executive order.

This, from the first guy we met from the Blue House, who had spoken so disparagingly about Moo Jin’s future as Acting President. I’d say this is progress.

I have to admire Moo Jin for going all in now, and taking personal and family risk, to pass the executive order, even though his desire is to return to his civilian life after the 60 days are up. He isn’t one to half-ass things, that’s becoming clear.

E4. It’s gratifying to see Moo Jin grow into his authority, and gain confidence when facing all the naysayers in his government, the aggressive loudmouthed military men in particular. I like seeing him have the confidence to put his foot down and be firm, even when his is the unpopular opinion.

That’s him standing by his decisions, and that takes courage and a measure of faith, especially since he’s the one with the least experience and qualifications in the room.

But he’s cool-headed, rational and logical, while keeping compassion and empathy for the citizens a priority, and that’s a rare and precious combination indeed.

E4. I like Moo Jin’s enquiring mind, which is totally befitting of the scientist side of him.

When everyone around him is freaking out about the video being North Korea’s admission of involvement in the bombing, Moo Jin’s calm, analytical mind is able to pinpoint a key question: if North Korea has always vehemently denied all involvement in all attacks, what makes this different, and why? I like it.

E5. I can understand Moo Jin’s choice during the TV interview. Up to this point, he’s been articulating how honesty is his political policy.

Now, if he chooses to lie in order to protect himself, he instantly proves that honesty isn’t actually his policy; it’s only his policy when he can afford it. So he chooses honesty, even though the fallout is obviously going to be huge.

E5. General Lee (Choi Jae Sung) was really getting out of hand, defying Moo Jin’s orders and even questioning him to his face, about whether he still feels like he has the right to be Commander-in-Chief.

So when General Lee taunts Moo Jin that he should use his power and authority without hesitation, it’s gratifying to see Moo Jin take control of the situation by revoking General Lee of his military authority, and relieving General Lee of his duties, and informing everyone else present that the same fate awaits anyone who mobilizes the military forces without his express permission.

Well done, sir.

E6. I really appreciate that we see Moo Jin staying up late and worrying about the soldiers he’s sent to Cambodia, that he’s sent them on a dangerous mission, while they have families worrying for them.

His empathy and compassion and worry are so palpable, and I feel for him, even as I appreciate his humanity. I do love that his wife (Kim Gyu Ri) is so understanding and supportive, and I love how gentle she is, as she assures him that he only made a needed decision.

E6. The operation itself was hard to watch, because it felt so taut and tension-filled. I felt like my nerves were stretched really thin. The hardest thing, though, was seeing Moo Jin’s grief at Major Jang’s (Park Hoon) death.

I can understand his guilt; he’d charged Major Jang to bring back Myung Hae Joon alive, and to bring his men back safely. He hadn’t specifically said to Major Jang to come back safely himself, although that is implied.

In his shoes, I would feel guilty too, for not having articulated that; for sending him on a dangerous mission; for ultimately being responsible for the operation happening at all, which had then led to Major Jang’s death.

Moo Jin’s grief, as he stands over Major Jang’s casket, is crippling, and I feel so much, in the moment.

I feel sorry for Major Jang, for having lost his life while carrying out his duties, and I feel sorry for Moo Jin, who’s carrying the weight of the guilt of Major Jang’s death on his shoulders.

Moo Jin choking out his tears is truly hard to watch, and I can fully understand why he would go straight to Secretary Han’s residence, and ask him just why he’d put him in this position, to take people’s lives.

In the face of Moo Jin’s deep grief and distress, I do appreciate Secretary Han’s response. He’s firm and measured, and the words he speaks are wise and balanced, “It’s not your fault. He simply did all he could to fulfill his duties.

He didn’t run away. He handled it. Just like you, who didn’t return to school that day. And this is the same. President Park. Whether it’s sorrow, guilt, or anger, today is one of those days when you must fulfill your duties without running away or making excuses.

That is what all the survivors must do.”

I love how his words don’t diminish the tragedy of Major Jang’s death, but at the same time, maintains a full measure of respect for Major Jang as he gave his all to fulfill his duty. His words imply that Major Jang knew full well what he was doing, and made the decision because he felt it was the most needed.

There’s something very dignified about that.

And in the same vein, Secretary Han’s words attribute the same dignity to the decision that Moo Jin has made, to not run away and do his duty. So much wisdom that comforts, respects and affirms, all in one.

E6. I love how Moo Jin is not ashamed to ask Secretary Han to come back. His request is so heartfelt; there’s no guile about it. He doesn’t try to mask his need for Secretary Han, or downplay it in any way.

He’s open and vulnerable in the moment,

“On that day, I told you that I wasn’t qualified I told you that neither power nor politics suited me. And yet, you brought me this far. So take responsibility. Help me so that I can handle this position. Please. Will you return… to the Blue House?”

It’s truly one of my favorite things about Moo Jin. He’s sincere and willing to be vulnerable.

E7. Secretary Han’s conversation with Secretary Cha (Son Seok Koo) tells me one thing, that Moo Jin is very astute in reading him. He didn’t approach Secretary Han to return while citing things like the Presidential Election; he’d challenged him to finish what he started.

Secretary Han had no interest in starting again, calling it all a “meaningless fight” – but he came back to fulfill that sense of responsibility that Moo Jin confronted him with.

E7. I didn’t see it coming, that Chief An (Lee Do Yup) was the mole leaking information to Mayor Kang (Ahn Nae Sang). And I’m impressed with Moo Jin for how he handles it.

Instead of firing Chief An right away, he initially tries to convince Chief An with his newly acquired research, without even mentioning the information leak.

It’s only when that fails, that he reveals the recording. And then instead of firing Chief An, he allows Chief An to make things right with Mayor Kang, before telling him that he can now proceed to demonstrate what he’s really made of. That’s mercy, and that’s grace.

E9. This episode it was mostly about Moo Jin’s scandal, which turns out to be not quite a scandal after all.

The flashback to how Moo Jin had opened his heart to Kang Yeon and Si Wan (Nam Woo Hyun), even right after he found out she was a divorcee, and then how he subsequently cared for Si Wan like his own son, is very touching.

That moment in the hospital, when the doc asked him to hold his son, you can just see the realization hit him like a ton of bricks – he could actually be Si Wan’s father. Aw. Moo Jin really is a decent, good man.

I appreciate how fiercely he protects Si Wan, even when his own reputation is at stake. And I’m glad that Si Wan appreciates it too, and comes around quite noticeably, from his anti-Dad rebellion.

E10. Moo Jin’s heart and humanity is never far from the surface. At the report of the death of Joon Oh (Lee Ha Yool), one of his first thoughts is what a sacrifice Joon Oh has made for the country, and how sorry he is, that he can’t even send condolences to the family, because Joon Oh is already legally dead.

His request, that Joon Oh’s funeral be as formal as possible, is the only thing he can think of to do, and it’s clear from his expression that he feels this is far from adequate.

E11. It’s hard to watch Moo Jin struggling from pain while lying in hospital. His labored breathing while he ekes out the words that he wants to speak makes my heart pinch for him. He’s really dedicated to his country, even though he’s wounded and in pain, and there’s a measure of threat, to his life.

Also, it’s moving to see how the people around him have come to care for him. His protocol administrator (Park Geun Rok) having to stop to cry for a bit, out of worry for Moo Jin, says a lot about how much he’s affected the people around him.

Even Assemblywoman Yoon (Bae Jong Ok) pauses to let him know that despite his unmarketability as politician, she trusts him, and wishes him a successful surgery. I found that quite touching.

And then there’s Kim Nam Wook’s heartfelt statement before the press, that he wishes Moo Jin well. I do love that everyone’s coming around to appreciate Moo Jin’s goodness and decency.


The relationship between Moo Jin and Kang Yeon

Even though Moo Jin’s relationship with his wife Kang Yeon is mostly kept on the sidelines, I genuinely loved their marriage relationship for its healthy and supportive dynamics.

It’s true that Moo Jin’s new schedule means that he spends a lot less time with his family, but when he does have time to spend with Kang Yeon, they always spend the time in meaningful conversation.

It’s clear to see that even though we see very little of Kang Yeon in the overall scheme of things, that she truly is a pillar of support – and a source of timely wisdom – to Moo Jin, and that he could’ve never made it through his term without her.

So much love for this couple, even though we don’t see them much together at all.

Here are just a few highlights, of this sweet couple.


E5. I also appreciate the small detail, where we see Moo Jin’s wife silently show him support as they appear in public for the memorial service. The handhold and the steady, solemn exchange of gazes; he knows that she’s right there on his side, and I like that a lot.

E7. I really love how strong the marital relationship is, between Moo Jin and Kang Yeon. He’s terse and snappish with her when he comes home, with the non-party cabinet dilemma on his mind, but she doesn’t react with hostility in return.

She asks what’s happened instead; she knows her husband well enough to know that he wouldn’t normally behave like this.

And it isn’t long before they’re sitting hand in hand, he having confided in her, and she promising to help him decide, if he’ll tell her what he really wants. And then she stays up all night researching the Constitution for him, so that he’ll have fresh ammunition the next day.

Seriously, this is relationship goals.


Na Kyung is given room to be strong

In a male-dominated cast set in a male-dominated world, I thought it was important to mention that Show is gives Agent Han Na Kyung (Kang Han Na) a lot of space to be a strong, badass woman, even while acknowledging her difficult emotional circumstances.


I can’t imagine being in Na Kyung’s position, to be on the brink of marrying your fiance, only to lose him to a bomb attack, and then, without any time to really figure out anything or grieve, just plow straight into investigation mode, because that’s her job.

The emotional toll on her must be huge, so it’s a cathartic moment, in episode 5, to see her cry over the wedding album that’s been delivered to her home, all these days that she’s been holed up at work trying to solve the question of who bombed the National Assembly Building.

Even when she’s lost her fiance to the terror attack, she’s not written to crumple and collapse; no, she gathers herself up and investigates with a vengeance.

And she runs down suspects, and kicks them around, even as she gets kicked around; she’s allowed to go into dangerous situations alone, and she’s appointed to lead the investigation by the Acting President.

No one said, hey, this is too dangerous for a woman, let a man lead the way.

No, she continues to lead the investigation, and when she wakes up bound and gagged in a car with a ticking bomb in it, she frees herself, and then, to save innocent passers-by from danger, drives the car to explode in the river. Bad. Ass.

Even when there are other agents supporting the operation, and she doesn’t have to operate on her own, she’s still out in front, leading the way. I like it.


Son Seok Koo as Secretary Cha

Son Seok Koo is pretty darn great as Secretary Cha, and I found Secretary Cha’s personal journey very gratifying to watch.

From someone whose prime concern is how to best navigate the political game for the best approval ratings and the most advantageous outcomes, Secretary Cha’s heart comes to the forefront in a way that I’m sure even he didn’t expect.

The fact that Secretary Cha’s transformation had everything to do with his being continually in Moo Jin’s orbit, just made it even more satisfying.

Here are my favorite Secretary Cha moments, during my watch.


E5. Secretary Cha really is good at what he does. Even though he doesn’t seek permission first, his strategy works flawlessly.

Not only does it suddenly diminish Moo Jin’s dismissal in the public’s eyes, it harnesses the public’s fear to Moo Jin’s advantage, just like Assemblywoman Yoon had mentioned in episode 4.

It’s clear on hindsight that this was the fastest and most efficient way to solve the fallout from the interview, and Moo Jin sees it too. I approve Moo Jin’s decision to appoint Secretary Cha as Chief Secretary.

E8. Secretary Cha’s outburst in front of Secretary Jung feels so raw, so deep and so personal. I’m a little taken aback at how strongly he feels about President Yang (Kim Gab Soo), and how regretful he is at how he’d missed the chance to help him leave a more dignified legacy.

E9. As much as this is a journey for Moo Jin, it’s also a journey for Secretary Cha. As Secretary Han rightly points out, Secretary Cha needs to come around to the person, instead of fixating on the approval ratings.

E11. Secretary Cha’s emotional outburst in response to Secretary Jung questioning his loyalties, also says a lot about how Moo Jin has affected him. This isn’t just business, anymore. He sincerely wants Moo Jin back.

E12. It’s telling, that after being cleared of any suspicion during the investigation, Secretary Cha’s main concern is whether Moo Jin believed the allegations to be true. Na Kyung’s indirect answer, stating that if Moo Jin had believed it to be true, that Secretary Cha would have been relieved of his duties first, hits Secretary Cha in the heart.

He stops for a brief moment to process the thought, and only the slight tug at his lips hint at his comfort and pleasure, at the answer.

E12. Secretary Cha turning in his resignation because he didn’t want to be a burden to Moo Jin, with all the media speculation about him being investigated in relation to the bombing, says a lot about how much his loyalties have rooted themselves with Moo Jin.

And that moment during the press conference, when Moo Jin finally announces his decision to run for president, the look on Secretary Cha’s face is just so intense.

He’s choked up with emotion, there’s relief in his eyes, a tug at his lips as he can’t decide whether to smile or cry; it’s a dramatic, tense, acutely personal moment for him, and I love it.


The lashings of a loveline between Secretary Cha and Secretary Jung

The “some” flirtation and sparks between Secretary Cha and Secretary Jung (Choi Yoon Young) are super cute, and a very welcome respite from the dramatic tension, with their goofy-awkward bickering turning into date invitations and dorky grins.

I can see why everyone who was watching this show shipped these two, so hard. They are adorable.


I liked the moment when (now-Chief) Secretary Cha asks Secretary Jung whether she’d like to get some chimaek with him. It’s so typical of their awkward-funny banter.

He looks so self-conscious as he tries to (quite lamely) explain that since they hadn’t had dinner, that that’s why he thought he’d ask.

To me, it feels like his attempt at a gracious and appreciative response, after Secretary Jung stalks back into his new office to finish what she’d been trying to say earlier, that yes, she would have resisted the idea of leaking the video, but that she would have come around if he’d told her his reasons, because he’s that good at what he does.

I love this rather awkward moment of mutual acknowledgement, and I love even more, how Secretary Jung turns him down, saying that she’s not mature enough to buy him a celebratory drink, nor does she like the idea of him buying her a consolation drink, heh.


The ensemble of the Blue House staff

Shout-out to the staff at the Blue House; I found myself growing fond of them over the course of my watch.

In particular, I enjoyed Protocol Administrator Park for his dorky, earnest ways, Acting Press Secretary Kim Nam Wook for his often bemused reactions, which alternated with his heartfelt wonderment at some of Moo Jin’s decisions, and Presidential Secretary Min (Baek Hyun Joo) for her dry and shrewd commentary and insights.

I felt rather sorry to say goodbye to this bunch, by the time I got to the finale.


The writing

Generally speaking, I thought the writing in this show was solid, but I also came to the conclusion that the writing is stronger in the beginning of our story, than in the later stretch.

In Show’s earlier stretch, the writing felt confident and tight, and I felt like Show knew exactly where it wanted to go, and I felt like I could trust it to take me there.

Show effectively kept me on the edge of my seat, and made my watch experience feel both thrilling, yet emotionally satisfying. All very good things.

However, in Show’s later episodes, I started to notice a couple of weak spots in the writing, and also, I started to notice a distinct pattern in the way Moo Jin’s strength of character is showcased.


Weak spot

In terms of writing weak spots, I have a couple more which I’ll mention in other sections, but the incident in episode 8, where Han Mo (Kim Joo Hun) confesses to the murder he didn’t commit, made me wonder why no one in our drama world thinks to ask if he’s being threatened.

I mean, that was my first thought, (likely a result of my sageuk exposure, since that’s totally a sageuk type of event), but all the trained, experienced agents, investigators and other respected figures in the Blue House, didn’t think to ask it. I thought that was odd and unrealistic.

The pattern

I suppose it’s to Show’s credit that it’s only pretty late in the game, that the plotting and storytelling pattern becomes more concrete and apparent.

Consistently, we see Moo Jin come up against an obstacle, and Show cuts away to the unfolding of the related events, allowing tension to build, and then, at the last moment, it’s revealed that a critical soundbite and portion of conversation took place which we didn’t have access to before, where Moo Jin’s warmth and humanity gets through to the other party, which then results in a win for Moo Jin, at the end.

We see it twice in episode 15, once with General Lee, and then again, with Assemblywoman Yoon.

I don’t dislike it, but we’ve seen key events pan out in similar ways a number of times now, and it’s starting to feel, well, predictable.

Still, until Show does the reveal, the suspense is effective. The question of whether or not things will go as expected, hangs in the air until Show unveils the hidden scene.

So it’s effective. Just, kind of predictable in hindsight, which is unfortunate.


Lee Joon Hyuk as Oh Young Seok

I put the character of Oh Young Seok in this section because while Oh Young Seok is an effective character that brings needed dramatic tension to our story, and Lee Joon Hyuk’s delivery of his character is solid, I didn’t exactly enjoy Oh Young Seok as a character.


I found Oh Young Seok an intriguing character. On the one hand, he seems shady and nefarious, being involved in a scheme where he aims to take the position of President of Korea, at any cost.

And when he does get to be Acting President at the episode 11 mark, it’s hard to watch as he asserts himself and makes decisions that mask questionable motives.

Lee Joon Hyuk does a great job of imbuing Oh Young Seok with just enough tamped down smirk to make me dislike him, while wearing the most reasonable and righteous expression, to defend his stand.

I mean, not just keeping the stock market open, but to shoot to kill the sniper? That’s obviously to stop the investigation in its tracks to protect himself, rather than to protect the investigators.

Yet, there are moments when it seems that Oh Young Seok might have positive intentions, underneath it all. In episode 6, his hint to Moo Jin about how to resolve the stalemate with the Cambodian government is intriguing.

When Moo Jin asks why he’s helping, Oh Young Seok replies that he has pledged to serve the nation.

How interesting, and contrary, and intriguing.



Sometimes – just sometimes – I felt a touch of caricature

While I generally found Show’s characterization well done, I have to admit that I felt a touch of caricature, in spots.


1. Don’t military men obey authority unequivocally? General Lee and General Eun (Lee Ki Young) getting all shouty in front of the Acting President seems like a rather dodgy thing?

Also, General Lee deciding to prepare troops to depart for Cambodia, against Moo Jin’s orders, is also going against his military code of conduct. I found this extreme, unreasonable behavior rather caricature-y.

2. I don’t know if Show gives us an accurate portrayal of press conferences, but I felt consistently frustrated and annoyed at how the reporters behave in each of the press conferences.

They shout out question after question, and seem intent on drowning out the person they’re firing questions at. They come across as so aggressive and ill-mannered, seriously. That felt rather caricature-y, too, to my eyes.



E3. The idea of a double-edged sword, dressed as something helpful. I don’t know how accurate the depiction of policy is, in our show, but the consideration of hidden agenda underneath a seemingly helpful piece of advice, is a lesson that I feel I need to chew on.

Assemblywoman Yoon’s tip to Moo Jin on how to handle Mayor Kang seemed innocent and well-meaning, but underneath it lay a double-pronged intention to destroy; one, to destroy Mayor Kang’s reputation, and two, to put the idea of Moo Jin’s impeachment in the spotlight.

How disturbingly dark, yet.. quite masterful.

E13. The idea of how truth can be twisted. The way that Moo Jin’s stand can be twisted either way to create a salacious headline, really makes me think about media manipulation and spin doctoring.

The reporters are making Moo Jin’s stand regarding same-sex relationships a damned if he does, and damned if he doesn’t thing. He just can’t win, the way they’re going about it.


We get another weak spot in the writing. Why would they wait this long to do a handwriting analysis on the dying message? Wouldn’t that be one of the first things to do, when they first tried to decipher the message?

That feels like a red herring, deliberately put in there to keep our investigators on the wrong path until the right time.

But, I’m impressed with the fact that the writing is closing in on wrapping up our story, in a way that feels planned for and tight. With just 3 episodes to go, and about half the time left of Moo Jin’s current term, it felt like a big ask, for Show to even begin to wrap things up in a way that felt cohesive and satisfying.

But that’s exactly what I feel like Show is doing.

A lot happens this episode, and things are falling into place where it does look like we’re about to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and it doesn’t feel rushed, stuff doesn’t feel shoehorned in, and yes, it does feel cohesive.

Plus, this episode literally is Show’s most fast-paced and exciting. I’m impressed.

There were some good twists and reveals this episode, which I liked.

The fact that General Eun knew that he was being bugged, and basically led Na Kyung’s investigation to the tailor shop, so that she would be able to corner Oh Young Seok, so that Oh Young Seok would have a reason to accept General Eun’s offer. That was pretty twisty, which I liked.

And then there’s Han Moo, doing his own investigation and unearthing important information, which is important to Na Kyung’s investigation. In that sense, that was a bit of a twist that added ammunition to our good guys, even when the investigation that we’ve been privy to, has run into issues.

We are reminded that Moo Jin is sympathetic because we can see that he doesn’t have all the answers, and he’s not perfect, either.

Even when he means well, like when he decides to defer the passing of the Discrimination Act until the next administration, he ends up disappointing Director Noh (Seo Young Hwa) and others like her.

Which makes him realize that he’s essentially doing the same thing that his predecessor President Yang had done.

And then we have the final twist, of Oh Young Seok being gunned down, not by investigators, but by his own assistant, who makes the decision that Oh Young Seok needs to die a hero, and so shoots him in an honor killing, before killing himself. Dang.


I found our penultimate episode pretty solid, even though there are questions thrown up that we ultimately don’t get answers to.

Moo Jin’s ability to read General Lee and understand his priorities – that the honor of the military as a whole is more important than his personal honor – demonstrates that he’s very sharp, and very shrewd, even amidst his warmth and desire to believe in people. He has the ability to understand people and what motivates them.

On top of that, he has the ability to share his observations in a way that communicates respect and honor. At Moo Jin’s description of him, General Lee seemed visibly moved, that someone had seen him, and so clearly too.

The scene of Moo Jin and General Lee after the arrests have been made, where General Lee reports to Moo Jin as Commander-in-Chief, and they salute each other, then shake hands, all with tears burgeoning in their eyes, is most moving.

So much mutual regard and respect, communicated in that moment. I love it.

I’m not surprised that Tailor Kim (Jeon Park Chan) is the hidden VIP, but I’m curious as to who he was speaking to, when it sounded like he was carrying out someone else’s orders, and I also want to know what his true connection to Assemblywoman Yoon is.

Also, Assemblywoman Yoon did not mention anything about having met him before, when Moo Jin shared the photos of Tailor Kim as a key suspect. That’s suspicious, to me.

Even if I want to rationalize that she’d met him as one of many constituents, and because she meets so many new people all the time, that she didn’t remember him, it still doesn’t explain how she knew his name right away at the sight of the photos, and made that call to him right away, like she was already familiar with him.

And there was the thing where she asked, “Is this your way of saying you’ll expose me?” Importantly, Show never addresses this, which I’m disappointed by.

One of the most moving moments this episode, is when Secretary Han talks with Moo Jin about the issue of whether or not he will join Moo Jin’s presidential campaign. Secretary Han has so many reservations about putting his faith on the line again, to believe again, in the hope of a better country and government, when he’d allowed that hope to die with President Yang.

And yet, it’s Moo Jin’s keen observation and warm articulation of the fact that Secretary Han hasn’t turned into a monster like he warns Moo Jin about, that seems to hit him right in the heart. It seems like in this moment, Secretary Han finally feels the spark of hope and courage that he needs, to believe again.

And when Secretary Han makes it clear that he will help Moo Jin, when Moo Jin smiles at him with gladness and gratitude, there’s a sense of peace and liberation in Secretary Han’s face, which is heartening to see.


I’m reluctant to admit it, but I have to say that I feel somewhat underwhelmed by Show’s finale.

After so many episodes of dramatic tension pivoting on the hope of seeing Moo Jin prove all the naysayers wrong and then growing into the role of the President of Korea, I felt rather disappointed that in the end, Moo Jin bows out of the presidential race.

Granted, his reasons for doing so were valid, and given the circumstances, I concede that Moo Jin stayed true to his character, in choosing to do the right thing, instead of the thing that would bring him the most advantage.

However, I do have trouble accepting the reveal, that Secretary Han was the Big Bad.

I mean, Show expects me to buy his explanation, that he plotted to kill President Yang, whom he deeply believed in, and wipe out the entire administration, because he was convinced that the people of Korea didn’t deserve a good president like President Yang?

That’s.. messed up, and more than that, reallly far-fetched. One would have to be a sociopath &/or a psychopath to genuinely believe that train of thought and maintain that they did the right thing.

Additionally, if Secretary Han genuinely believed that the plan that he’d had, had been the better way, I feel like it doesn’t mesh so well, with his decision to join Moo Jin’s campaign.

And, Secretary Han did appear to feel sincerely positive and excited at the prospect of supporting Moo Jin on his campaign, right until Moo Jin asked to speak with him privately.

In principle, I’m not against the idea of writing Secretary Han as the mastermind of the bombing, but these little details in the execution niggle at me.

And, while I’m not about to rewatch this show to check Secretary Han’s behavior through the various stages of our story, I feel like Secretary Han is shown in a reasonable and humane light, even though his opinions sometimes differed from Moo Jin’s.

I don’t know. I just find it hard to believe that he would have ordered Moo Jin’s (ultimately failed) assassination, y’know?

And then there’s the thing where we see Tae Ik (otherwise known as Lee Gyeong Pyo) leaving the country, while reporting to someone in Japanese.

Could he be talking to the VIP? If so.. does this mean that possibly, Secretary Han is but a mole taking the fall for the real VIP, who is the mysterious person on the phone? We can only guess.

Anyway. That’s how we find out that Moo Jin had been selected to be the Acting President, the titular designated survivor, chosen for his lack of political experience and ambition, so that it would be easy to replace him, come the presidential elections.

Show doesn’t reveal who wins the election in the end, but we do see Moo Jin’s heartfelt farewell with the staff of the Blue House. The wistfulness is mutual, and there are visible tears in the eyes of more than a few individuals, as Moo Jin thanks each person one by one.

Sniffle. I wish he didn’t have to say goodbye, coz it’s clear that they’ve all come to appreciate and respect him.

Time skip later, we see that Moo Jin’s gone back to teaching, and is now able to spend quality time with his family. We also see that he has something on his mind, as even an offer from Stanford makes him hesitate.

At the same time, we also see that the key members of Moo Jin’s staff at the Blue House, are all unhappy in their current positions (I don’t quite get this, did they all resign from the Blue House after Moo Jin’s departure, coz I’d expected that they’d have continued in their roles otherwise?).

Secretary Cha gathers Secretary Jung, Press Secretary Kim Nam Wook and Protocol Administrator Park, and together, they seek out Moo Jin, and ask if he’d consider joining the next presidential race; that they will help him, together.

Moo Jin smiles in response – which is when Show’s final credits roll.

Guh. I have to admit, I’m rather disappointed that we don’t even get to see if Moo Jin agrees or not, to the proposal of this adorkable ragtag group that just wants to support him.

I mean, I geddit, the ending is designed with a possible sequel in mind. But if that’s the case, then at least give us a little something to go on? I’m a little peeved by this, no lie.

Still, I have to admit that despite my personal sense of dissatisfaction with how the finale was handled, that I truly enjoyed sharing in Moo Jin’s journey as Acting President.

And honestly, if Show manages a comeback via a sequel, I’m so there, to share in Moo Jin’s journey towards President, too.


Show leans idealistic and is unrealistic in spots, but is uplifting and stirring, nonetheless.




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2 months ago

Such a well written review and observation!

2 years ago

I came to this show after appreciating Ji Jin Hee as the kind, wise, loving (and handsome) father in Move to Heaven. I didn’t expect him to be the same type of fine and decent character in Survivor, but his genuine and upstanding Acting President is a main reason I gobbled up Show from beginning to end, despite some shortcomings. Next time I’m given the chance to meet Ji Jin Hee in person, I’ll probably decline so that I don’t risk mucking up my images of these two uber mensch characters. 😆 

I agree with Fangurl’s review whole-heartedly – with just a couple of differences. First, I saw Secretary Han from a mile away as the Blue House collaborator, not because any post-justification of his motives made sense (they decidedly did not), but because he was the person most likely to have access to all of the key information and opportunity required for the role.

Second – and the real reason I dropped by to leave this post 😉 – I was surprised that KFG’s review did not rail more at the myriad unrealistic instances of profound incompetency exhibited by security, protection, and police personnel. Was no security expert ever trained that, when on the run, not to stand in the middle of the road, exposed to every gun in the area, to have your tender moment? Do federal prisons not fully vet the personnel who deliver food to the most notorious national security villain in the country, let alone allow some unknown, unproven guard to be the one to escort said key-witness villain to the emergency room? Are crack NIS agents not rigorously drilled on when to take the shot? Or wait for/bring along back-up? Do NIS agents known to, and pursued by, adversaries, regularly dine al fresco and make themselves easy targets? These are but a few of the 🤦‍♀️moments that almost ruined Show for me. They felt like lazy devices to move the show along, rather than writers making the effort to create more credible and realistic transitions. Luckily, Show’s other charms more than made up for this asininity, so it was an overall super watch. Rant over. 😅

A Reviewer
A Reviewer
3 years ago

Another excellent review, thank you.

I watched this last week, after having watched the US version that is quite similar a few years back.

The show just one season, short and sweet, unlike the US version that lasted several seasons and stretched the story out to a point where the show got cancelled.

I really enjoyed this show, but for some shortcomings in writing. Is something like this plausible in real life? May be. Once you answer yes to that, rest of the show is enjoyable for the most part.

Kang Han Na stole the show in my opinion, overcoming some of the bad writing around her character. Some of the agent’s action left me wondering/saying – hey, a trained agent would never do that. For example why travel in front of the van that carries the prisoner??? Why does one have to review the documents standing in front of the safe??

Portrayal of the President was above average. In the earlier episodes, I felt like something was missing, was not able to put my finger on it.

Rest of the supporting cast did a good job of portraying their respective roles.

I wish there were more sparks between the two secretaries, the US version had a lot more of it, and was fun to watch. But then again, romance wasn’t any significant part of the plot.

Another thing that bothered me was the behavior of the military officers and secretaries towards the acting president. I am not a Korean national, so I don’t know what the protocol is. I felt a lot of discomfort watching the interactions, US president once sworn in is treated with so much respect by people around him (don’t get me wrong, the public does not, as you know); there are protocols in place. Doesn’t something similar apply?

But for the few short comings in writing, I really enjoyed this show.

Harsha's Blog
3 years ago

Love this show a lot.. 😀

3 years ago
Reply to  Harsha's Blog

Yes, this was such a good one! 😀

4 years ago

Thank you so much, kfangurl, for this review! I would have completely missed this show without your post – I didn’t even know it existed. This turned out to be one of my favorite 2019 dramas! I completely agree with you about the finale. When I started to feel hints that Secretary Han could be the one, I was REALLY hoping it wasn’t the case, but I realize now that the main reason I had that hope was indeed because it was way too far-fetched. It didn’t make any sense from what we’ve seen from Secretary Han, and in the end the justification was just weird. So yes, that’s disappointing, just like how the relationship between Assemblywoman Yoon and Tailor Kim is not clarified, and how we never get to know who’s the “real” VIP. However, in this case, the 15 episodes I’ve watched while being completely hooked and on the edge of my seat have more weight than the disappointment I felt in the last episode. Also, the cute team coming back at the end kind of won me over… So overall, I think this show is REALLY worth the watch even with its few flaws. I had a great time watching it – thank you again! 🙂

4 years ago
Reply to  akagenomusume

Ah! I’m so pleased that this review helped point you to a drama that you ended up loving! That makes my day! 😀 Indeed, bummer about the dissatisfactory bits at the end, but I agree, the 15 eps were well worth it. I loved our Acting President and his little team, and enjoyed rooting for them, very much. <3 So pleased that you loved this one too! 😘

4 years ago

Awesome review as always! I loved this show and can’t wait for Season 2. Defo prefer a drama that demands you to pay attention as opposed to almost unconscious watching!

4 years ago
Reply to  Pal

Thanks, Pal! I’m glad you enjoyed the review, and I would definitely be up for a Season 2, if they make one! For another show that kept me on the edge of my seat, have you tried VIP? The stakes are more emotional, but I found it a good exploration of human weakness. 🙂

4 years ago

A delightful breakdown kfangurl of a show that I really wanted to like. I’m glad it took your through the looking glass into the political arena. As for myself, I enjoyed the start. As Timescout mentions, the K version does follow the original version faithfully. However, as with the original, I dropped it half way through because I was hoping for it to be better than it’s predecessor (given the cast), and for me, that didn’t happen.

The acting was on point, as you would expect from such a cast. Who can fault the President – not me. He is principled and knows the truth is better than a lie. More about this later. I liked the portrayal of the partnership between the President and his wife as it resonated very strongly. And, yes I enjoyed the moments between the two secretaries/advisors. My personal favourite is our special agent, but like the original, I became frustrated with how such a good, strong character was all at sea in such a setting. As for the main baddy, no surprise there, and because of my suspicions, a large part of my disappointment, because I suspected this from the get go.

So, the writing became the let down for me. I truly love a good political drama, even one that is mythical in its breadth and scope, or where you have to suspend belief and enjoy the action. Sadly, DS just wasn’t “it” for me. Like it’s original template, Show tried to be too clever, and then, for me, over dramatic at times, hence the use of the caricatures. I just couldn’t adjust my lens!

Forgive me now for stepping up to the political pulpit. Here is the interesting thing: complex strategies do not work in the real world of politics. The truth is simple. A lie is not (unless it is kept simple – but this doesn’t happen in the dramaverse). To this extent, Chief of Staff, which is a fine show in itself, is far superior in terms of how a political office works, the political process and the strategies used. Then, if we want a real lesson in how politics works: we turn to the West Wing. Such a well written, and dare I say, insightful show. Even my wife has watched it a number of times. There is even an Australian political comedy that is so accurate about what happens, I have flashbacks 😂. With both shows my wife looks at me with amusement when I say: been there, done that. So, one time my wife and I were invited to a lunch at a big annual event, as I was one of the key stakeholders at the time. It was an informal affair. As we entered the room, the Minister says “L come and sit next to me. You are much more interesting to talk to than Sean (which is true)!” I just rolled my eyes and said T, I have a long memory 😜

Wishing you a Happy New Year kfangurl and I look forward to your annual overview 🎉🍾🥂

4 years ago
Reply to  seankfletcher

Hi there Sean! It’s taken me quite a while to work my way through the comments, thank you for your good nature and patience, I always appreciate it! 🙂 It’s very possible that I enjoyed this show more than you did because I’m new to the genre. I guess the tropes and narrative milestones common to the political genre is still new to me, and therefore, it didn’t feel cliched to me. Maybe with a few more political dramas under my belt, I will start to feel differently! 😅 I personally didn’t expect the Big Bad the way you did, and even though it was a surprise when Show unveiled it, I have to confess that overall, it doesn’t strike me as terribly cohesive. When I stack up earlier scenes with the Big Bad, with the later scenes are the reveal, it doesn’t seem to sit so organically, overall. :/ But, I enjoyed everything else well enough, that I still rate the show an enjoyable experience overall. 🙂

Thanks to your endorsement, I’ve put Chief of Staff on my list, where it never had a place before, so thanks for that, Sean! 😀 I hope I will enjoy it as much as you did, when I get to it! 🙂

4 years ago
Reply to  kfangurl

One of the really good things about Chief of Staff is the performances and Shin Min Ah’s in particular. She has well and truly upped the ante as an all round (and serious) actress. It will be interesting to see what she does next (well, actually it’s called ‘Here’ and is a story about an NGO 😊).

4 years ago
Reply to  seankfletcher

Ooh, I love Shin Min Ah, and haven’t seen her in anything that I’ve loved, in quite a while. This sounds very promising indeed. I can’t wait to see for myself how she’s grown as an actress! 😀

4 years ago

I’ve found that I need to be in a right frame of mind to watch politically themed dramas. This is still on hold but I do aim to get back to it in the near future. Chief of Staff is also on the list, so I have to see which one to tackle first. Watching two political dramas at the same time is a bit too much to handle. ;D Besides I’ve stil got Joy of Life on the go and that one is kinda full of political shenanigans too, only in a very appealing “wrapping”. I’m loving it! 😀

I’ve watched the first two seasons of the original US show, which wasn’t too bad. I liked S1 more than the following one. From what I’ve read about the Korean version and what I remember from the early episodes is that it seems to follow the US verson pretty faithfully. I peeked at some points on your review and one thing that has changed is the motive for the attack. It wasn’t anything mindblowing in the original either but made sense within the context. I don’t think it would have worked in this version though, as it was sort of culture specific.

4 years ago
Reply to  Timescout

Hi there Timescout! Yes, I do agree that with politically themed shows, the right frame of mind is very key. Without it, I might not find enough interest to pursue the story. As a noob to political stories, this is especially true for me I think! 😅 So I perfectly understand that this and Chief of Staff are on hold for you right now. I’m interested to check out Chief of Staff, but that’s currently on hold for me too. I haven’t seen the US original, but I do remember thinking, as I watched, that the writers had done a good job adapting the story for a Korean context.

I’ve also got my eye on Joy of Life, so yay that you’ve been loving it – that’s always a rare and precious thing, particularly when you’ve found that many of the popular shows just don’t capture your fancy. Based on how it’s making you happy, I feel like I ought to bump that show up my list! 😉

4 years ago
Reply to  kfangurl

Joy of Life is just about the only drama I’ve been actively watching from week to week. It’s been my catnip. 😁 I’m rather sad it’s ended and we have to wait god knows how long for the 2nd instalment. Not too hot on the cliffhanger at the end of S1 but as I know how the story continues, I’m not that bothered about it. It’s an intriguing story with a very good cast and I just loved the more humorous take on it.

4 years ago
Reply to  Timescout

Oh! Season 1 ends on a cliffhanger? Dang. Would you recommend watching S1 as it is, or would waiting for S2 to be available be a smarter choice? 😅

4 years ago
Reply to  kfangurl

I’d watch it regardless of the ending, in fact you could just stop at 2nd to last epi (ep 45) as that would actually be a good spot. 🙂

I didn’t remember that cliffhanger from the novel, so I checked – yup, it’s not there. Neither is what leads up the that point. Also the reveal towards the end of the last epi happens around 30 chapters later in the novel, but not the way it’s done in Drama. So far this is the second bigger change the scriptwriter has made, but I’m sure the story will eventually align with the novel. Still, I wish they’d skipped the ‘dramatics’, Drama didn’t need it.

4 years ago
Reply to  Timescout

Lol. Yes, sometimes shows really would do well to end earlier, rather than squeeze out additional episodes, I think! Thanks for the tip, I’ll keep it in mind! 😀

Snow Flower
Snow Flower
4 years ago

This was one of my favorite shows this year, despite its flaws. I usually like political intrigue, but only in sageuks. This was my first contemporary political drama and I loved it! Secretary Cha was a standout character for me. I was so relieved when he did not turn out to be the traitor! I have never seen the actor before, but his performance was a revelation. I need to take a look at his previous work.

4 years ago
Reply to  Snow Flower

Glad that you enjoyed this one too, Snow Flower! 😀 And yes, Son Seok Koo does have the kind of screen presence that pulls you in, doesn’t he? He had a minor role in Be Melodramatic, and I liked him so much in that, that I decided to check out this show. That’s how much he influenced my viewing decision! 😆 So I totally feel you, on wanting to check out his other works. 😉