Review: Castaway Diva


With an interesting premise and a solid cast, Show starts strong out of the gate, at least in my experience.

I loved the younger days portion of our story, and the bonding of our key characters, which sucked me in right away.

Once we move to the present-day portion of our story, though, I feel like Show starts to lose focus, in terms of what it really wants to do, or be.

Show is still feel-good and warm, but because of its lack of focus (at least in my opinion), the watch experience feels kind of.. digressive, in a manner of speaking?

Some lens adjustments are likely to help, which I’ll talk about shortly.

Overall, not bad – but it could’ve been so much better, I feel.

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Review: The Uncanny Counter


Gritty, bloody and full of action like many an OCN drama, yet character-driven and full of heart, like you might expect from jTBC, with a fantasy bent like you might expect of tvN, The Uncanny Counter is the superhero-flavored, heartfelt, X-Men-esque demon-hunting story that I didn’t know I needed in my life.

For the most part, Show does a great job of meshing all these different personality traits into an organic whole – except for a late-stage change in writers, which admittedly causes a bit of a wobble, but which Show does recover well from.

Our cast does an all-around great job of bringing this story to life, while making their characters and their relationships pop, and Show works out to be highly engaging, and sometimes, even rather cracky.

Definitely recommend.

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Dropped: Graceful Family

If you checked out my 2019 Year In Review, you’d probably remember that I was in two minds about this rather popular show.

I wanted to like it, and hoped to like it, mostly because so many other drama fans seemed to enjoy this show, but.. I never truly liked it, unfortunately.

I got 8 minutes and 43 seconds into episode 8 (yes, I checked, ha), before I realized that I really didn’t want to spend any more of my time on this drama.

For the record, Show’s not terrible.. Like I said, lots of folks like this one (and you might, too). I just feel like this show wasn’t quite living up to its potential.

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