Review: The Rational Life [China]


A low-key, slice-of-life story with what feels like a secondary focus on a noona romance, Show is likely not for everyone.

If you’re looking for a noona romance with a little more intensity and fireworks, I feel like fellow C-drama Find Yourself is a better fit. However, if you’re looking for something that’s both down-to-earth yet kind of escapist, this might work for you.

I say it’s down-to-earth because Show does touch on some themes which feel very relevant to modern society. At the same time, it feels a little escapist, because the speed and cleanliness of how things get fixed, can feel a bit like a Disney-inspired fantasy.

Overall, I liked this better in concept than in execution, but I do think that this could work well for some, given the right lens &/or viewing needs.

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