Flash Review: Romance Full Of Life [Three Colors Of Fantasies: Green]

Real Life’s been pretty hectic for me lately, and I find that with so many things competing for my attention, I have less time for dramas than ever before. I also find that when I do have the time, I often don’t have the mental bandwidth for full hour-plus episodes.

(Don’t panic; I’m still watching regular dramas. Just.. much slower than usual.)

This little show fit in nicely with my current challenged drama capacity. Not only were the half-hour episodes easy to make time for, the light tone and uncomplicated treatment of the subject matter made this one easy to digest as well.

Sure, it wasn’t as good as I thought it could’ve been, but it was still a pleasant and easy drama fix.

Since some of you guys might be similarly drama-challenged right now, I thought that I’d share this one with you too.

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