Announcement: New commenting system!

Hey everyone,

As you can tell from this post’s title, I’ve switched to a new commenting system for the blog, and I’m hopeful that this will make conversations on the blog a lot more fun to navigate!

Also, this feels timely, since a number of you let me know that the edit button for comments has stopped appearing for you. Not to worry, my friends! This new commenting system has a built-in editing feature, so you’ll be able to edit your comments for up to 15 minutes after posting them, just like the previous one.

The new commenting system is fairly easy to navigate instinctively, but I thought I’d highlight a couple of things, just to make it even easier for everyone.

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How To Embed Photos in the Comments & Other Mysteries

Have you ever felt bemused / puzzled / left out / like you weren’t one of the cool kids / all of the above when you see other people blithely embed videos and photos in the comments sections of various posts on the blog?

Do you also get the same expression on your face that Gong Yoo’s wearing in the pic above, furrowing your brow & squinting your eyes, when you try your darndest to embed stuff in the comments, but somehow, it just doesn’t work?

Worry no longer, my friends! Help is at hand.

The doctor, as they say, is in.

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