Pure Pretty: TOP

I’m on a roll, you guys.

After rolling out my first Pure Pretty post on Song Seung Hun, I was just going to do a little bit of preliminary searching in preparation for my second Pure Pretty post, and got completely and utterly sucked in. There was just too much TOP goodness to gaze at. I couldn’t stop.

Let me state upfront that just because I’ve picked TOP to be part of the Pure Pretty series, doesn’t mean that I don’t think he’s talented.

It’s just that I don’t really follow his music – I’m not much into kpop to begin with – and therefore don’t have a lot to say about his personality or his music. I do think he owns the stage when he’s rapping, and it – HE – is hot.

I’ve seen TOP act, though. I first saw him in Iris and immediately decided that he looked very interesting. And handsome. And hot. Heh. Though I didn’t think he was so great at the acting, to be honest.

Recently, though, I watched him in The Commitment, and he’s gotten so much better! Which bodes well for me. I love TOP’s speaking voice. And TOP in motion on my screen. Mmmm.

In the meantime, though, let me just say that as I did research for this post, I’ve come to the conclusion that TOP is insanely beautiful. SERIOUSLY. INSANELY. BEAUTIFUL.

There just doesn’t seem to be a way to take an ugly picture of this guy. Really.

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